When the newly-christened starship Enterprise's shakedown cruise goes poorly, Captain Kirk and crew put her into Spacedock for repairs. But an urgent mission interrupts their Earth-bound shore leave. A renegade Vulcan named Sybok has taken three ambassadors hostage on Nimbus III, the Planet of Galactic Peace. This event also attracts the attention of a Klingon captain who wants to make a name for himself and sets out to pursue the Enterprise. Sybok's ragtag army captures the Enterprise and takes her on a journey to the center of the galaxy in search of the Supreme Being. 这部从某种意义上说的确很……夏大雷orz。导演的中年困惑之作。这么好的说是最差的!这世界啊!。三人组的奇幻漂流——清水、哲学、官腐。这部剧情太扯淡了……。语录。画着裸男裸女的人类友好探测器卫星被当做太空垃圾炸掉了。星际迷航5The final frontier。Star Trek V: The Final Frontier。【系列补完计划】《星际迷航之五:终极先锋》。 本片是《星舰迷航记》系列电影的第五集,由原班人马主演,但改由饰演寇克船长的威廉·赛特纳执导,也是他的导演处女作。故事描述一名神秘的疯狂幻想家赛布克占领了一个遥远的星球,劫持星际大使作人质,强迫企业号宇宙飞船紧急出发,进入没有人做访过的未知宇宙去寻找传说中的上帝,但上帝到底是谁呢?本片的开场颇具震撼力,可惜发展下去难以为继,使大部分的篇幅在过分玄奥的故事框架中兴圈子,只能靠壮观的视觉特效维持其吸引力,幸好结局是略有起色,不致令观众太过失望。 正在基地修整的企业号接受了一项紧急任务,科克船长一行奉命到属于中立区的宁布星球,解救遭到叛徒控制的乐园市民。叛军挟持了企业号到银河系中心去寻找根源。