Rome, 1957. A woman, Cabiria, is robbed and left to drown by her boyfriend, Giorgio. Rescued, she resumes her life and tries her best to find happiness in a cynical world. Even when she thinks her struggles are over and she has found happiness and contentment, things may not be what they seem. 细说卡比利亚。卡比利亚是谁。巴赞:《卡比利亚之夜》——新现实主义历程的终结。黑白电影。阿皮亚大道上的玛利亚。妓女与圣女的悖论。你笑话过我的纯真。容易受伤的女人――《卡比利亚之夜》观感。永不停息的逐爱的灵魂。FIFF14丨DAY9《卡比利亚之夜》:即使被生活的巨浪完全覆灭,我依然选择相信并热爱它。