Jong-du, a young man just out of prison for manslaughter, is a social misfit: fidgety, snuffling, laughing inappropriately, without a super ego. When released, he calls on the family of the victim; they send him away, but not before he has seen Gong-ju, a young woman disabled severely by cerebral palsy. Both are abused by their families, and both are used by them as well. Although their relationship begins with Jong-du's criminal behavior, a friendship develops. They talk of favorite things; he washes her hair; they go out; in late night phone calls, he helps her past her fears of the dark. Is there a place in the world for these two inarticulate people? 彷徨的罗密欧与孤独的朱丽叶。《绿洲》——善良有屁用,你他妈最好学会独立。如果我是诗人,我要为你歌唱。一个锯树疯子的自白。绿洲影评:制度下的绿洲何处寻?。一个健康的女人是多么的美妙。反省自身——《绿洲》中有关残疾人的问题。剽悍的人生,不需要解释。《绿洲》:天真的人们能够爱。绿洲:绿洲和沙漠。 刑满释放的洪忠都(薛景求饰)出狱后,家人对他横加排斥,而他之所以被判入狱,只是为了顶替哥哥的罪名。之后心冷意凉的他,来到车祸死者的住所拜访家属,遇到死者的女儿韩恭洙(文素利饰)——一名重度脑麻痹患者,面容扭曲、手脚抽搐。但忠都却被她吸引,并在冲动下做出大胆之举。 但在意外事件后,两人彼此都萌生了情感思念,孤独的心灵就此渐渐靠拢。他们看似身心不甚健全的非正常人,却遭遇着赤裸裸的现实不公。不过,命运并没有就此放过戏弄他们的机会。