Koo Seo-Jin (Hyun-Bin) has two different personalities. One of his personalities is cold like Hyde and the other is sweet like Jekyll. He works as the director of theme park Wonderland. Jang Ha-Na (Han Ji-Min) works as the master and actress of a circus at Wonderland. Koo Seo-Jin tries to kick the circus out of Wonderland and Jang Ha-Na reorganizes the circus to stay. In the process, Jang Ha-Na falls in love with Koo Seo-Jin. 随机吐槽,没准吐到哪集,因为不知哪集弃剧。(03集)。没关系,是男神|经病啊~ 开年韩剧主打精神疾病 谁能病出新意?。已经吐槽到无法在吐槽了!。视频网站不让播韩剧了,然后呢?。至罗宾——为了我多年来难得的为剧而流的眼泪。玄彬,等了你这么久,你就这么样的回来了。善良罗宾与冷酷具瑞镇(E12让人改变的就是爱情)。看过kmhm的就别来看这部剧了!。那大概,只是一种想要被理解的感觉而已。《海德哲基尔与我》观剧小感EP05在你入睡之后: 当两个我都开始爱上你。 讲述了拥有两个完全不同的人格的男人,和爱这两个人格的女人之间,与众不同的三角恋情的故事。