In the 1960s with the Cold War in play, CIA agent Napoleon Solo successfully helps Gaby Teller defect to West Germany despite the intimidating opposition of KGB agent Illya Kuryakin. Later, all three unexpectedly find themselves working together in a joint mission to stop a private criminal organization from using Gaby's father's scientific expertise to construct their own nuclear bomb. Through clenched teeth and stylish poise, all three must find a way to cooperate for the sake of world peace, even as they each pursue their own agendas. 冷战式相亲。不谈剧情我们来聊聊人物 *spoiler alert*。明明就很燃,哪里有卖腐!。关于剧中毛熊小哥的星星眼列表一则。说好的卖腐呢,我怎么被粉红泡泡弄的心痒痒。就喜欢这种挟带私货的非典型类型片。赏心悦目的谍战。音乐感很棒。Song Credits。怎么老是看到彩虹嘞?。 故事发生在1963年的德国,时值冷战期间,德国女汽车技师嘉比(艾丽西亚·维坎德 Alicia Vikander 饰)的父亲是一位精通核武器的专家,最近,有证据表情他正在帮助纳粹制造核武器,来达到统一全人类的邪恶野望。 拿破仑(亨利·卡维尔 Henry Cavill 饰)是CIA的特工,他曾经犯过的错误让他的仕途岌岌可危,他必须做出点成绩来证明自己并非无用之才。伊利亚(艾米·汉莫 Armie Hammer 饰)是苏联国家安全委员会特工,他的父亲被政府打上了贪污分子的烙印,为了摆脱父亲带给自己的不良影响,伊利亚必须比其他人更加努力。这样的两个人都想要赶在对方之前将核弹大师捉拿归案。