昨日在昨夜结束是一部片,幼年丧母的小镇青年阿一在一次偶遇中认识了水族馆老板荣叔的女儿小梅。就在阿一感觉自己生命中的阴霾开始因为小梅照射进一缕阳光时,一切却戛然而止,残忍的现实撕碎了梦境。阿一在自己的回忆、现实与“未曾设想过的一切”中游离。 尘埃落定,一切不曾变化,也许才是最好的结局。
Losing his mother as a child, Yi, a young man in a small town, leads a gloomy life until he meets Mei, the daughter of an aquarium owner. Because of Mei, Yi's life has just began to shine, but the harsh reality soon tears this felicity apart. Yi soon loses himself between his memories, the reality and \"everything he could never have imagined\". When the dust settles, nothing has changed, and maybe that is the best outcome.
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