天堂的魔鬼是一部纪录片片,斯里蘭卡,1983年,Jude Ratnam五歲。他搭上火車逃亡,逃離部分僧迦羅人對少數族裔泰米爾人的迫害與屠殺,而政府對此毫不作為。 今日,導演再次從南到北走一遍,那條由26年內戰開拓的淌血之路。說服許多當年參戰或被迫參戰的同胞——多數加入武裝反抗組織「泰米爾之虎」——克服恐懼與憤怒,打開可能的調和之途。 十年的工作成果。首部泰米爾影人的紀錄片。一個斯里蘭卡黑暗、痛苦、少為人知的故事。
Sri Lanka 1983, Jude Ratman is five years old. On a red train, he flees the massacre of the Tamils instigated by the Pro-Sinhalese majoritarian government. Now a filmmaker, he takes the same train from South to North. As he advances, the traces of the violence of the 26-year-old war and the one which turned the Tamil's fight for freedom into a self-destructive terrorism pass before his eyes. Reminiscing the hidden souvenirs of fighters and Tamil Tigers, he unveils the repressed memories of his compatriots, opening the door to a new era and making peace possible again.
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