忠诚是一部剧情,短片,家庭片,2014年的伊斯坦布尔,政局动荡。在医院工作的阿斯乐因为一次偶然的机会,帮助了正在被警察追捕的政治活动家塞尔楚克。然而,这件事却招致了警方的怀疑,阿斯乐的丈夫也因此被卷入其中。随着阿斯乐对警方调查的不配合,事件逐件升级,原本幸福和睦的三口之家也开始出现裂痕,她丈夫的插手 ,更让故事朝向始料不及的方向发展下去…… (豆瓣电影字幕翻译2.0小组)
Istanbul 2014: Asli gives shelter to a young political activist, who got into a fight with the police. The police investigates the case and ends up questioning Asli's family. Her husband gets drawn into the affair. Their lives, and also their son's, start to become compromised. The situation escalates, as Asli is not willing to cooperate with the investigators.
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