婴儿的午餐是一部纪录片,短片片,夏日中午,奥古斯特·卢米埃尔一家三口闲逸的在自家花园中享受着午餐。父亲奥古斯特耐心的喂着小女儿安德莉吃粥,母亲则在一旁温柔的默默注视着父女二人。本部不足一分钟的黑白记录短片,只有短短的一个镜头,却充满亲切感人的艺术效果,堪称是“日常生活即景小诗”。 本片在1895年12 月28日在巴黎“印度沙龙”公开放映,是标志电影正式诞生的影片之一。
A baby is seated at a table between its cheerful parents, Auguste and Marguerite Lumière. While the father is feeding the baby with a spoon, the mother is pouring coffee into her cup. The father gives the baby a biscuit, which the baby grabs, but doesn't eat, although both parents encourage it. The father resumes feeding the baby with the spoon.
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