归来的他是一部剧情,动作,犯罪片,一个敢行刺杀人的孤儿南杜,在黑道老大的抚养下,与孤儿伙伴一起成长为专业的杀手。 一位政客想出了假行刺的计划来制造舆论,找到了南杜来操作,但是在南杜勾动扳机之前,这名政客被人开枪击毙,来不及逃走的南杜被警方当作行刺凶手。 南杜逃上火车,偶遇到离家出走12年之后归家的帕尔杜,但是警察试图击毙南杜时误杀了帕尔杜。南杜来到了帕尔杜的家里,面对调皮活泼的未婚妻,关爱的姑母,严肃的爷爷以及穷追不舍的警察,南杜应该何去何从,真正的行刺凶手又是谁呢......
To receive a sympathy vote, a crooked politician plans his own assassination attempt. Nandu is hired to merely wound the politician, but someone else pulls the trigger first. Framed for murder, Nandu flees and meets Pardhu, a man returning home after a long absence. The young man is killed in the police crossfire meant for Nandu. Nandu assumes Pardhu's identity and his new "cousin" has a romantic interest in him...
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