先祖之子是一部剧情,惊悚,歌舞片,“啊”的一声惨叫,一位在墓地降生的孩子(维克拉姆饰)失去了他的母亲,被作为一名“焚尸人”养大,命途多舛的他失去了养父,独自一人去面对这个纷繁的世界,命运的安排让他遇到了一位市井小混混萨克狄(苏利耶饰),两人的相遇会擦出怎样的火花,演绎怎样的爱恨情仇呢...... PS:这是维叔和苏帅的唯一一次合作,并且取得了当年的很多奖项。
Chittan (Vikram) is born to a vagrant in a cemetery, who dies soon after. Raised with no contact to the outside world except with dead bodies, he grows up inept at social interaction. An acquaintance with a neighborhood drug dealer Gomathi (Sangitha) gets him a job as a handyman in a cannabis farm. Chittan ends up in jail where he makes his first real friendship - with a conman Shakti (Surya). When Chitthan and Sakthi try to step out of their lives of illicit activities, the local drug-lord interferes.
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