我曾经爱过是一部剧情,爱情片,克洛伊(弗萝伦斯·卢瓦雷 Florence Loiret 饰)本以为自己会拥有一段美满的婚姻,但丈夫的背叛狠狠地打碎了她对于爱情的幻想。为了逃离令她窒息的伤心地,克洛伊带着两个女儿来到了公公皮埃尔的家里暂住。皮埃尔是一个沉默寡言的男人,从不轻易流露出任何的感情,可是面对伤心欲绝的克洛伊,这个一向内敛的男人却道出了一个惊人的秘密。 原来,虽然皮埃尔和妻子苏姗妮(克里斯蒂亚娜·米莱 Christiane Millet 饰)的婚姻看似无比幸福,可实际上,在去香港公干期间,皮埃尔却和一个名叫马蒂尔德(玛丽-乔西·克罗兹 Marie-Josée Croze 饰)的翻译有过一段露水情缘。
Someone I loved (Je L'Aimais) is based on the best-selling novel by Anna Gavalda. It's the story of Pierre (Daniel Auteuil), who takes his daughter-in-law, Chloe (Florence Loiret Caille) and two small granddaughters to the family chalet to stay following a family crisis. Pierre's son, Adrian, has abruptly dumped his wife and children, and Chloe who "never saw it coming" is so emotionally devastated, Pierre thinks it's wise to take her away somewhere quiet for a few days until she stabilizes.
一句话评论:《我曾经爱过》-这个丈夫会回来。another half。用最后一天证明尊严。。不算是很喜歡的電影, 不過也可一看。曾经爱过,后来心死如灰。该怎么办?。勇敢的面对生活的真相。爱情是婚外情的导火索?。《我曾经爱过》。爱情的游戏。
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