FUKUSHIMA DAY是一部短片片,3月11日发生的大震灾,以及发生爆炸的核电站。福岛被核辐射污染笼罩,来自肉眼看不见的核辐射威胁正在逐步逼近,但仍有很多一如既往生活着的人们。在步步逼近的恐怖之中,因为家人,朋友,工作等各种原因,无法离开这片土地的人们...。 在东京修行表演的北野将太,为了将妹妹从遭受3.11后核电事故的故乡 - 福岛带回来,他毅然返回了家乡。 但是为生活奔波的父母,却没把将太对核辐射影响的控诉当回事。上中学的遥也因为家里人这样的态度而拒绝去东京。逐渐被徒劳感侵袭的将太,为了了解福岛真实的情况而去探访了受灾地,残酷的景象深深印刻在了他的脑海里。尽管他拼命地劝说,但把对家乡的羁绊和生活放在第一的家人,让他体会到了他们之间不可逾越的温度差,于是只能一人回到了东京。等待他的将会是...
This is a human drama circling around a son living in Tokyo and his family living in the midst of the area Nuclear Disaster in Japan. This film will help explain why the people of the hometown decide to stay in their hometown despite the radiation and nuclear threat. We would like to show the world a different side of the Nuclear Crisis in local town, Japan, focusing on the human drama and conflict between the people fleeing and the people staying.
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