乳房是一部纪录片片,導演:Meema Spadola 蜜玛·斯芭多拉(美國) 〝Breasts〞此部片是接近一個小時的紀錄片,从11到84岁共22个女人,41个乳房,平均年齡是六~八十四歲,有來自各種不同背景、種族、職業的女人,当中还包括两对母女和两个脱衣舞娘。接受采访时大多都赤裸着上身。她们谈论青春期、胸罩、女性在广告中的形象、隆胸手术、医生检查乳房的乐趣、乳癌、乳房切除、和随着年月带来的下垂等等重要话题。她们对自己的身体表现出幽默、直爽、深思熟虑与和善乐观的态度。而在整部片中,導演穿插一九二○年代生動活潑的卡通,一九五○年代美麗的盛會遊行,以及一九七○年胸罩的商業行為,使得整部片十分的有趣、自然而活潑。
Twenty-two women (ranging in age from 11 to 84), with 41 breasts, talk about their breasts; most are topless as they speak. They talk about adolescence, bras, commercial images of women's figures, having implants or, in one case, a breast reduction, health problems with silicone, doctors' exams ("I think you have a throat infection, let me examine your breasts"), breasts as power tools and as objects of pleasure, cancer, living with mastectomies, and the effects of time and gravity. Two mother-daughter teams and two strippers participate. The women (and the girls) are humorous, straightforward, reflective, and good-natured about their bodies and themselves.
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