白白的世界是一部剧情片,老王(内博伊沙·格洛戈瓦茨 Nebojsa Glogovac 饰)曾经是在拳坛中叱咤风云的金牌拳击手,但现如今却沦落成为了矿城里经营破旧酒吧的小老板。究竟是什么事令他堕落至此的呢?原来,早些年间,他在阴差阳错之间爱上了好友艾尼梅尔(梅托·约瓦诺夫斯基 Meto Jovanovski 饰)的妻子露西亚,这场爱情悲剧最终导致了艾尼梅尔的死亡和露西亚的锒铛入狱。 艾尼梅尔有一个名叫赞拉坦的弟弟,患有轻微的智障,出于对夫妻两人的愧疚,老王收留了无人照顾的赞拉坦,处处保护着他不受欺负。一晃眼多年过去,露西亚出狱后再度组成了家庭,生下了女儿萝丝(Milica Mihajlovic 饰),造化弄人,命运将萝丝再一次的带到了老王的面前。
In the Serbian drama "White, White World", the characters sing, but never dance. Formulated as a modern day Greek tragedy set in the decrepit eastern mining town of Bor, the movie follows a close group of alienated locals through misguided love affairs and other brash misdeeds. But the songs feature no choreography or other stylish methods of breaking the harsh, downtrodden tableaux.
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