敌后的前线是一部剧情,战争片,苏联导演伊戈尔·戈斯捷夫(Igor Gostev)根据苏联作家长篇纪实小说改编的战争三部曲其三。1944年至1945年,由上校领衔的苏军特种部队跨越国界的敌后战争传奇:受命摧毁德军V2导弹试验和生产基地,夺取相关技术资料、制造设备和铀原料,同时阻止德军训练轰炸机敢死队飞行员……行动得到了苏联情报机构和波兰、捷克游击队的鼎力协助。
Front v tylu vraga (1981) is the final episode in the trilogy about the Russian partisan's resistance during WWII. The film is set in 1944, when Russian partisans are making progress in their fighting against the Nazi occupation of Russia, Poland and Czechozlovakia. Lt. Colonel Mlynsky is now in charge of an international clandestine operation. He is the commander of the special group of partisan-fighters. Mlynsky is organizing the Russian, Polish and Czechoslovakian partisans to join foces for an attack behind the enemy lines.
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