大冈越前(2013) 大岡越前/

更新:2020-03-10 08:03:51
年份: 2013  / 地区: 日本 
类型:古装  / 豆瓣:0.0分 / IMDB:2.8分
演员:東山紀之 勝村政信 国仲涼子 高橋長英 寺島進 原田夏希 松原智恵子 加藤武 平岳大 津川雅彦 
语言:日语  / 片长:

大冈越前是一部古装片,2013年春季 NHK 古装日剧   保の改革を成し遂げた八代将軍・吉宗を支えた“大岡裁き”の痛快さは、講談、落語、歌舞伎などによって親しまれ、現在もあらゆる舞台、メディアにとりあげられています。テレビ版『大岡越前』の特色は、なんといっても大岡忠相と徳川吉宗、そして榊原 伊織という3人の、最高にセレブな男達の熱い友情です。信義を貫き、身分と立場を越えて手を携え、庶民の幸せの為に懸命になる姿は、痛快娯楽時代劇の王道ともいえるでしょう。加えて大岡一家、奉行所や江戸の町の仲間たちとの温もりあふれる家族愛。時代劇だからこそ表現できる、てらいのない真っ正直さ。心からの笑いと涙。いつの時代も私達を励ましてくれる“大岡裁き”を平成の現代によみがえらせます。

Ooka Tadasuke was a magistrate of Ise Yamada (modern day Ise City in Mie Prefecture). In 1712, he sentenced a thief who was causing a stir in the village. The culprit was a great-grandson of Tokugawa Ieyasu and the feudal lord of the Kishu domain who would later become Tokugawa Yoshimune. In fact, previous magistrates had turned a blind eye to Yoshimune's bad conduct. However, Ooka together with his friend, the Western medicine doctor Sakakibara Iori, take measures to make him admit the crime and let him go. Several years later, in 1716, Yoshimune becomes the eighth Tokugawa shogun. The following year, Ooka is relieved of his post of magistrate and ordered to return to Edo with haste. Back in 1712, Ooka had convicted Yoshimune of poaching at Ise's Akogigaura, a place where hunting and fishing are prohibited, and arrested him. It has been a long while since Ooka visited Edo. He is welcomed by family and friends, but under the circumstances, the mood is gloomy. Ordered to present himself at the castle, Yoshimune and Ooka meet after four years. Yoshimune draws close to Ooka but unlikely words come from his mouth. Ooka is made an Edo magistrate. He goes on to support the Kyoho Reforms advanced by Yoshimune. Other than administrating the the town of Edo, Ooka also has a seat on the judicial council, manages local government affairs as well as temples and shrines. He punishes evil that bring suffering to the common people, making judicial decisions with humanity and fairness that will come to be known as \"Ooka Sabaki\".

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