特搜战车队(1988) ドミニオン/特搜机动队 / Dominion / Dominion Tank Police

更新:2019-11-29 08:11:33
年份: 1988  / 地区: 日本 
类型:喜剧 动作 科幻 动画 惊悚 犯罪  / 豆瓣:0.0分 / IMDB:7分
导演:真下耕一 石山贵明 
演员:鹤广美 大仓正章 屋良有作 永井一郎 千叶繁 户谷公次 石森达幸 田之中勇 八奈见乘儿 三田友子 富泽美智惠 横尾麻里 小林通孝 挂川裕彦 神山雅美 丸尾知子 乡里大辅 柴田秀胜 银河万丈 
语言:英语   日语  / 片长:

特搜战车队是一部喜剧,动作,科幻,动画,惊悚,犯罪片,在某个名为NP的城市,警察厅遭投诉最多的是战车队,尤其是其中一辆名为“布拿巴力”的特别战车。“布拿巴力”是为了适应城市作战的特殊需要而制造的坦克,体积超小,甚至可以通过窄小的门驶入建筑物内,动作机动灵活,同时装备完备,配有能发射穿甲弹的主炮、速射机枪、烟雾弹、催泪弹、AA GUN make by whyarmy以及一些不知名的东西,连钩状履带都是特制的(用来破坏路面吗?)。操作这辆坦克的是被称为警署的炸弹组合的本作主人公莉安娜和亚路,面对罪犯,他们总是能够机敏勇敢地将其捕获,不过总是会对环境造成巨大的破坏(怪不得会有这么多投诉)。

In the far future, Earth is a polluted hell with massive cities and a crime problem to match. Keeping the peace is the Tank police that literally use tanks as both their vehciles and main weapons with a nearly insane brutal dedication to their job. Leona Ozaki, joins them as the first female member, and must find a way to work with the others in her own style. That's something that has to be settled soon considering that the notorious Cat Girls and their dumb male partner are planning crimes that require Leon's skill to stop.

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