A story that follows Wang Lu, a young genius, who enters the Spirit Blade Sect and embarks on an unconventional journey towards immortal cultivation. The Spirit Blade Sect was established in the year 4233. Through years of producing martial arts prodigies, it has been hailed as one of the five great sects. As the nine continents face a crisis, a genius by the name of Wang Lu joins the Spirit Blade Sect and comes under the tutelage Wang Wu. Despite Wang Wu's beauty, she is hundreds of years in age. Famous for having a sharp tongue and an erratic temper, she and her disciple Wang Lu engage in endless squabbles while trudging on a path to becoming the strongest sage in all the lands. Adapted from the manga "Spirit Blade Mountain" written by Xian Man Dong Man.
一句话评论:从前有座军皇山,山里有个海云帆。被掉节操老司机女主迷哭,这影后真是又俗又仙第一人。高开低走 编剧为什么不敢想 --一些指手画脚言论。一部“吐槽向”作品,将反传统进行到底。前20集很好,很完美,后面17集,编剧就是个沙雕。现在拍电视剧尊重原著很丢人么?。让我安安静静写篇安利文(不喜千万别看)。这部剧开创了一个名词:爆笑梗片(心肌梗塞的梗……)。许凯——《从前有座灵剑山》交出高分答卷。自从下了山历练就看不下去了。
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