鸡与牛 第四季是一部动画片,鸡与牛是一个卡通系列剧。故事的主人公牛妹妹是一只拥有神奇力量的小奶牛,平时呆呆傻傻,但是在关键时刻就会变身成“超级牛”,通常她的变身都是为了拯救身为屌丝,但是有点自大和瞧不起妹妹的鸡哥哥。鸡与牛的父母设定成只露下半身的人类,通常都待在家,很单纯和相爱。故事大反派是来自地 狱的“没穿裤子先生”(The Red Guy),他的主要任务就是搞破坏,以及调查“超级牛”的来历。 故事中的牛在英语版中变成后就说西班牙语,在国语配音中变身后的主打句是用吴语方言说的“超级牛来拯救喽!”该剧和其他卡通频道的节目,如德克斯特的实验室,被收录在cartoonnetwork的What-A-Cartoon!系列中。
In order to prove to Chicken that she is artistic, Cow creates a seal out of chewing gum. Eventually, she wishes that her work of art, affectionately named Chachi, could live, which soon becomes a reality (and then a nightmare when the seal badmouths Cow). / Cow and Chicken's cousin, Black Sheep (who lives up to both sides of his name) has come over for a visit. This is a problem for Mom and Dad, who both run away for the duration of his visit.
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