困惑中年是一部剧情,喜剧片,年过四十的已婚男子维克多偶然间救起了一名失足落水的女孩,而该女孩恰巧是维克多多年好友帕特里克的女儿米亚。年轻的米亚是名学习摄影的学生, 她用相机纪录着生活的点滴。 来自家人和事业上的压力将维克多压得喘不过气来,与米亚的偶遇, 让人到中年的维克多如浴春风,两人很快便相爱了。 维克多将怎样处理与米亚之间的复杂关系?他与帕德里克的友谊还能维持多久?
A contemporary tragicomedy from a modern city about disintegration of relationship, disintegration of a marriage, and maybe also about the disappearance of basic rules from decent life. A very black comedy about people in their 40ies who already have money, but still listen to rock and roll, exchanging drugs for mobile phones.
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