相会的广场是一部剧情,喜剧片,故事发生在地处偏远,风景秀丽的青翠村,这里民风淳朴,村民们宛如一家人,其乐融融。然而,某日,一张铁丝网从天而降将村子一分为二,使得原本的亲朋和好友再也不能够相见,这令彼此之间有着深厚情谊的村民们感到十分痛苦。 一晃眼三十年过去,村子分裂的状况没有得到任何改善。孔英坦是村里新来的老师,起初,这里友好的氛围令他放下了戒备,然而,随着时间的推移,孔英坦发现整个村庄里弥漫着一种诡异的气氛,直觉告诉他,这里一定有什么不好的事情正在发生。某日,四处转悠的孔英坦于无意之中发现了一个地洞,他的发现让整个村子都陷入了危机之中,在这个地洞里究竟隐藏了怎样的秘密呢?
Set in the 1980's, the eldest son of a poor family decides to move to Seoul to become a teacher. Yet as soon as he reaches the city, his money is stolen and his bags are lost. He manages to reach a remote town, where coincidentally they were looking for a new teacher for the town children. He soon falls in love with a woman there, yet her origin seems vague as the townspeople only say she comes from somewhere up North. It turns out the townspeople have been communicating with another bordering town in North Korea through a secret tunnel connecting the two.
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