夏日追踪是一部动画片,我們的未來我們要親手保護! 那年夏天,就在茱麗亞的十一歲慶生會開始之前,全家人和朋友們聽到了附近化學工廠的巨大爆炸聲,隨之傳來的嘶鳴聲音也越來越響,震耳欲聾,挾帶著大量灰色煙柱升上天空,然後,白色塵埃從天而降。很多人開始劇咳不止,有些人甚至頭痛欲裂。 接著,瑪麗亞發現她的小狗得了不知名的病,疼痛不已,鎮上的人更是滿心焦慮,懷疑怪病可能和從天而降的白色粉塵息息相關,而工廠裡的大小主管拒不認錯,甚至還發布聲明保證粉塵是無害的。 可是茱麗亞和她的朋友看見鎮上遍佈死掉的動物和鳥之後起了疑心,便號召了鎮上的孩子們組成研究小組,決心找出這場災難的原因和可能的後果…。
1976, Northern Italy. In July 10, an incident in the "ICMESA" implant provokes a chemical fallout over the town of Seveso, not far from Milan. A massive cloud of dioxin comes out from a damaged reactor, falling down on the earth and causing one of the most terrible ecological disasters in history. For days, the "La Roche" corporation which owns the factory tries to minimize the incident, so that Seveso's inhabitants persist to stay in their houses, exposed to the dioxin's deadly effects.
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