
匪医诺克是一部喜剧片,当医生来敲门,健康的人都成病人,不管小病还是重症,能够赚钱都是好病人。   柯诺克曾是一名骗徒,改邪归正成了医生,搬到阿尔卑斯山旁的富有山庄,接手退休医师的诊所,他下定决心在这裡赚大钱,不料当地居民个个身强体壮,一点赚头都没有,他只好用诚恳笑容和三寸不烂之舌,强力渲染各种疾病无所不在,没病没痛的村民都被柯诺克诊断出大病大症,还被再三嘱咐要定期回诊,很快地诊所挤满了各式症状的病患,不论病情是真是假。   于是,他成为山庄最炙手可热的新好医生,每週二的免费义诊谘询吸引更多居民看病,让他赚进大把钞票,同时也邂逅了一位美丽的农场女子,事业爱情两得意,引起了村庄神父的忌妒,神父愤怒看著他的教徒都挤在诊所外,而不进他的教堂,正好一个知道医生黑历史的不速之客出现在村庄,与神父联手来扰乱医生的大好计画…

Doctor Knock is a former thug who has become a doctor and arrives in the small village of Saint-Maurice to make his fortune according to a particular method. It will make the villagers believe that they are not as healthy as they might think. It is thus that he will find in each one an imaginary symptom, or not, and thus will be able to exercise his profession lucratively. Under his seductive looks and after gaining the confidence of the village, Knock is on the verge of achieving his ends. But his past catches up with him and an old acquaintance disrupts the doctor's plans.

一句话评论:匪医也是个 义匪。。《匪医诺克》。一个优雅如绅士般的坏蛋。慢慢的正能量,但这种非法行医不提倡。。
