宝藏:现实与神话(2017) El-Kanz: El-Haqiqah wa el-Khayal/

更新:2021-04-07 05:04:32
年份: 2017  / 地区: 埃及 
类型:动作 历史  / 豆瓣:0.0分 / IMDB:7.2分
导演:Sharif Arafah 
演员:Muhammad Ramadhan Muhammad Sad 亨德•萨布里 Amina Khalil Ruby Ahmed Rizk 
语言:阿拉伯语  / 片长:170

宝藏:现实与神话是一部动作,历史片,The Treasure revolves around three eras: the Pharaonic era, the Mamluk era and the first half of the 20th century. It discusses corruption and how some clerics have involved religion in politics in order to obtain high positions and gain power which they have abused over the ages.

The events revolve around four eras, namely the Pharaonic and Abbasid era and the Kingdom era. The events revolve around corruption and the level of some clerics through the ages on power and false and bad dealings with the people, and how to involve religion in politics in order to obtain positions, especially that there are clerics who deliberately Coloring and counterfeiting at this time in order to be the strongest and maintain their positions.
