更新:2019-05-10 04:05:37
年份: 1998  / 地区: 法国 
类型:喜剧  / 豆瓣:0.0分 / IMDB:4.3分
导演:Christophe Smith 
演员:伯努瓦·德雷平 玛丽娜·德尔泰姆 维多利亚·普林西帕尔 威廉·阿瑟东 米基·鲁尼 埃利奥特·古尔德 
语言:英语   法语  / 片长:90
Michael Kael contre la World News Company剧情介绍

International news giant WNC wants to get the U.S. president re-elected for the third term by creating fake "Crazy Guru" story, about the fictional Japanese wacko who plans to drop nuclear weapons on half the planet in days. That fictional Guru is set to make his announcement in the African town of Katango, and WNC sends their naive Paris correspondent Michael Kael there to cover the story.

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