服部半蔵 影子军团 BOX (初回限定生産)(1980) /Hattori Hanzô: Kage no Gundan / Shadow Warriors

更新:2019-05-10 04:05:51
年份: 1980  / 地区: 日本 
类型:未知 / 豆瓣:0.0分 / IMDB:8.7分
演员:千葉真一 西郷輝彦 火野正平 長谷直美 樹木希林 
语言:日语  / 片长:
服部半蔵 影子军团 BOX (初回限定生産)剧情介绍

A band of ninjas has been forced to stand back and covertly go into business in order to stay out of the spotlight. Being out of favour with the shogun does that to you. With the said shogun dead there is an opening for the band to return to activity, but at first the inclination is to remain dormant. That is, until a violent group of ninjas emerge.

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