33分钟侦探(2008) 33分探偵/33分侦探 / 33 pun tantei

更新:2024-05-26 12:05:14
年份: 2008  / 地区: 日本 
类型:剧情  / 豆瓣:7.5分 / IMDB:6.9分
导演:福田雄一 成田岳 
演员:堂本刚 水川麻美 高桥克实 野波麻帆 户次重幸 小島よしお 佐藤二朗 
语言:日语  / 片长:

33分钟侦探是一部剧情片,一位即将结婚的新娘在教堂被杀,警察邀请名侦探鞍马六郎(堂本刚饰)参加调查。结果不到8分钟,警察们就逮捕了一位浑身是血、手拿凶器的嫌疑犯。正当大家认为即将结案的时候,鞍马六郎语出惊人:“案件并没有这么简单,不能这样结束,我一定要撑到33分钟。”   这就是传说中的“33分钟侦探”,5分钟能搞清楚的简单案件,鞍马六郎一定要撑足33分钟才能解决,到底是案件确有疑点,还是鞍马六郎故弄玄虚?充满搞笑与推理知识的《33分钟侦探》将为您解答。

Kurama Rokuro is a private detective. He is a detective story aficionado, and a mystery geek. He believes in ghosts and UFOs. He hates the sight of blood and dead bodies. Actually he has a sharp insight and a creative imagination, but his reasoning is always just a guess. When he wrongly accuses people of a crime, he sends them a gift with a note "I'm sorry about the mistake". His mission is to use all up the airtime (33 min.) to solve a quite simple case which must be settled in 5 min. His wild guesses and imagination increase the number of suspects, and his ambiguous reasoning turns the cases upside down. Can he finally discover the offender?

