血与种子是一部片,巴拉圭电影在上世纪五十年代其实还没有出现独立的本国制片产业,大多依靠邻国阿根廷的支持,由阿根廷导演在巴拉圭取景拍摄,像AMANDO BO等一些导演就拍过不少。本片也不例外,不过影片水平还不错,毕竟是改编自曾获得塞万提斯文学奖的巴拉圭小说家巴斯多斯的名著。 Durante la guerra de la Triple Alianza, una mujer paraguaya salva a un sargento herido y da a luz. Juntos, deberán esconderse del enemigo. Una curiosa coproducción Argentino-Paraguayo, donde el enemigo es el ejército argentino. Filmado en Paraguay.
Plaquita, the widow of a Paraguayan officer, rescues a wounded sergeant who has been a companion of her husband. She takes care of him and nurtures him back to health. But they only have one hope, to keep fighting for Paraguay against the Argentine Army.
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