无事生非是一部喜剧片,戴眼镜的男记者安格尔·塔谢莫顺道看望老同学潘奇奥,碰巧潘奇奥不在家,潘奇奥的妻子招待了他。由于这是个偏远的村镇,人们对外来的陌生人总是很好奇,说闲话,更何况是女主人一个人在家,来的又是个大男人。到晚上潘奇奥还没回来,女主人怕邻居说闲话,让塔谢莫睡在院子里的草棚。半夜里牛把塔谢莫的衬衫给吃了,塔谢莫慌不择路掉进了院子里的大坑。天亮时女主人发现了塔谢莫,还是怕说闲话,女主人没有去邻居家拿梯子,而是想用棍子把塔谢莫拉上来,结果也掉进大坑里。潘奇奥回到家就看见妻子和老同学在大坑里,而且妻子穿的很少……无论两人怎么解释,潘奇奥都不相信牛吃了衬衫,最后把牛给杀了…… 长春电影制片厂译制,孟丽、孙佳禾、陆建艺、刘大航等配音。
A famous sports journalist visits his former classmate and close friend in the country. He is greeted by his friend's wife, who informs him that the master of the house will return tomorrow morning. While waiting for him, both sit down at the table. Meanwhile the provincial prejudices are in full swing - the curious neighbors spy through the fence. Although both of them are innocent, the situation gets more and more awkward.
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