Set in 1937 during China's communist revolution, the film is based on the real life events of Huang Kegong. Huang was a 26-year-old soldier in the Red Army that murdered a female student, after his marriage proposal was rejected. Huang expected Chairman Mao Zedong to grant him amnesty for the crime, given Huang's service to the Red Army, but Mao refused to pardon the murder. What followed was the first widely-followed public trial in the history of the Communist Party of China.
一句话评论:《黄克功案件》——这只是历史的选择。延河边的徙木立信。今晚打老虎。从黄克功案件看王凯的表演。说黄克功的时候,不想王凯。人性的弱点,主旋律电影的明天。《黄克功案件》:好大一盘棋。动之以情,晓之以理 ——从《黄克功案件》说开去。随便记记。有关黄克功案件电影的几点感想。
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