
A 1973 Soviet twelve-part television series, directed by Tatyana Lioznova and based on the novel of the same title by Yulian Semyonov. The series portrays the exploits of Maxim Isaev, a Soviet spy operating in Nazi Germany under the name Max Otto von Stierlitz, depicted by Vyacheslav Tikhonov. Stierlitz is tasked with disrupting the negotiations between Karl Wolff and Allen Dulles taking place in Switzerland, aimed at forging a separate peace between Germany and the Western Allies. The series is considered the most successful Soviet espionage thriller ever made, and is one of the most popular television series in Russian history.

一句话评论:关于《春天的十七个瞬间》的笑话。转一篇非常清楚明白的剧情梗概。十七个瞬间中的小人物。171119 - 举个例子,吉洪诺夫的眼泪。叙事的节奏。关于《春天》,是从那段绝密个人鉴定开始八卦的。众里寻它千百度。春天的十七个瞬间。
