胭脂是一部爱情片,根据《聊斋志异》中同名故事改编。 少女胭脂爱上了年轻秀才鄂秋隼,闺友王氏自荐为媒,此事被王氏相好宿介得知。宿介久慕胭脂美貌,于深夜冒充鄂秋隼潜入胭脂屋内,欲行非礼,遭胭脂力拒。宿介夺得胭脂绣鞋后来到王氏家中,无意中将绣鞋失落于王氏门外。无赖毛大拾得绣鞋,并偷听到宿介与王氏谈话。数日后毛大夜入胭脂家,误创入其父房内,搏斗中将其父杀死。胭脂向官府告发鄂秋隼曾夜创其室,鄂秋隼被屈打成招。后济南府复审,又将宿介拘审。宿介上书申冤,山东提学怜其才,终设巧计迫使真凶毛大供认。邑官遂为媒,令鄂秋隼迎娶胭脂为妻。
Yanzhi meets the handsome E Qiuzhun and is attracted to him. When this is revealed to her friend Madam Wong's lover Su Jie, he masquerades as E Qiuzhun and steals into Yanzhi's house at night, attempting to take liberties with Yanzhi. Yanzhi rebuffs Su Jie, who leaves with an embroidered shoe. The shoe then falls into the hands of a cad named Mao Da, who also sneaks into her house, hoping to make love to her while masquerading as E Qiuzhun...
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