罗密欧间谍 第二季剧情介绍

An old colleague working unofficially for the current government asks Wolfgang to work on a case. The previous government had peddled the notion of combining all border and customs services under one umbrella agency, something that the current government has quashed. However, some of those forces from the previous government are trying to resurrect the idea, the agent now tasked with gathering ammunition to battle the idea. The previous government had used a bomb threat at the local baseball stadium eighteen months ago as a case to support the umbrella agency, the bomb threat billed as a terrorist threat. However, the current government believes that the former government may have been complicit in that threat to support the umbrella agency. Wolfgang decides to call in an old asset to work the file for him, that asset being a man named Norman. Beyond briefing Norman on the case, Wolfgang may have to hold his hands in more ways than one as Norman has a weakness for flamboyant young men...

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