浩劫是一部纪录片,历史,战争片,本片探讨二战期间欧洲的犹太人大灭绝,这部主题、形式、范围均博大宽广的电影巨著,是我们每个人应当看的作品。 从记忆和历史的角度看,《浩劫》与其它反映犹太人大灭绝的作品相比,在证词的强烈程度和历史的严谨上高出一筹。克罗德·朗兹曼在13年间经常寻找事件和地点的真相。 《浩劫》既是出色的历史文献,详尽描绘着纳粹灭绝机器,也是一首长长的诔词,将观众带入形而上的体验,带到野蛮的根源。 《浩劫》包涵着庞大的记者工作,在调查和采访方面堪称典范,但它又不只是报道。它同时也是电影巨著(尤其是其剪接),将数十个小时的采访以相互回答、相互碰撞、相互衔接的方式组接起来,一再询问“为什么”却永远得不到答案,因为恐怖已无公度。克罗德·朗兹曼说:“《浩劫》这部影片有关死亡的绝对性,而与幸存者无关。活下去是另一个故事。”
Claude Lanzmann directed this 9 1/2 hour documentary of the Holocaust without using a single frame of archive footage. He interviews survivors, witnesses, and ex-Nazis (whom he had to film secretly since they only agreed to be interviewed by audio). His style of interviewing by asking for the most minute details is effective at adding up these details to give a horrifying portrait of the events of Nazi genocide. He also shows, or rather lets some of his subjects themselves show, that the anti-Semitism that caused 6 million Jews to die in the Holocaust is still alive and well in many people who still live in Germany, Poland, and elsewhere.
一句话评论:《浩劫》断片。拒斥不经意的亵渎。搬运:张献民采访克洛德·朗兹曼。不,请一定把它说出来。影评。也浅谈《浩劫》。浩劫 Shoah, 1985。《浩劫》看片笔记:。关于《浩劫》的一点想法。关于更换库尔默夫服役的特种汽车的维修报告。
字幕信息 | 语言 | 来源 |
Shoah.Part.1.1985.720p.BluRay.x264-GECKO | 简体中文字幕 | SRT |
浩劫.Shoah.1985.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.ch | 简体中文字幕 | SRT |
Shoah.1985.Criterion.Collection.720p.Blu | 简体中文字幕 | SRT |
浩劫Shoah.Part.1.1985.1080p.Criterion.Blur | 简体中文字幕 | SRT |
Shoah.1985.Criterion.Collection.720p.Blu | 简体中文字幕 | SRT |
浩劫Shoah.Part.1.1985.1080p.Criterion.Blur | 简体中文字幕 | SRT |