印度之行是一部剧情,历史,冒险片,英国女子艾德娜(Judy Davis 饰)与未来的婆婆摩尔夫人远赴印度,此行既为了探望艾德娜在印度做地方法官的未婚夫朗尼,亦可同时拓展视野。艾德娜的心思不在白人之间的交际活动,而是更渴望了解印度的异域风情,并因此与当地医生艾斯结识,艾斯对英国人充满纯洁的敬佩之情,虽然偶有失望,但他仍然为摩尔太太的优雅气质赞叹、时常帮助白人解围不惜让自己陷入尴尬。好心的艾斯为了满足艾德娜的愿望,担任向导带领艾德娜与摩尔太太参观郊外的马拉巴山洞,岂料两名女士在山洞中倍感不适,艾德娜更是浑身伤痕的跑出了山洞……此行引起轩然大波,英方认为艾斯对艾德娜欲行不轨,将其监禁。艾斯的命运,此刻掌握在了艾德娜的手中。 本片根据E.M. Forster小说改编,获1985年奥斯卡奖最佳女配角奖等十余项专业褒奖。
Circa 1920, during the Indian British rule, Dr. Aziz H. Ahmed was born and brought up in India. He is proficient in English, and wears Western style clothing. He meets an old lady, Mrs. Moore, at a mosque, who asks him to accompany her and her companion, Adela Quested, for sight-seeing around some caves. Thereafter the organized life of Aziz is turned upside down when Adela accuses him of molesting her in a cave. Aziz is arrested and brought before the courts, where he learns that the entire British administration is against him, and would like to see him found guilty and punished severely, to teach all native Indians what it means to molest a British citizen. Aziz is all set to witness the "fairness" of the British system, whose unofficial motto is "guilty until proved innocent."
字幕信息 | 语言 | 来源 |
[印度之行].A.Passage.To.India.1984.1080p.Blu | 简体中文字幕 | SRT |