拳皇是一部动作,科幻,冒险片,美国波士顿,能够进入异次元解封八歧大蛇的三神器八尺琼勾玉、八咫镜和草稚剑正在展出,中情局特工不知火舞(李美琪 饰)正从八神家族传人八神庵(李威尹 饰)处打探三神器的秘密,岂料卢卡尔杀入展馆将三神器抢走并躲入了异次元。神乐家族传人千鹤(叶芳华 饰)透露被抢走的草雉剑为假,委托不知火舞向草稚家族求助。卢卡尔抢走神器后诱骗KOF大赛的格斗家们进入异次元,意欲成为拳皇。同时不知火舞和八神庵为阻止卢卡尔的计划,请求草稚家族传人草稚京一同出战。中情局为了调查这起异次元中的犯罪行为亦派出探员特瑞与不知火舞等人一起进入异次元…… 本片根据同名经典游戏改编。
Two of three powerful artifacts allow Rugal Bernstein, a man of evil intent, to enter and control an alternate dimension where gamers have been entering into martial arts combat for fun. From there, he awaits adversaries, killing them rather than defeating them so that he alone will remain as The King of Fighters. As Rugal possesses lesbian lovers Vice and Mature to aid him, undercover CIA agent Mai Shiranui teams up with Iori Yagami and Kyo Kusanagi to stop him before he can unleash a dread spirit named Orochi upon Mankind.
一句话评论:一场演员间互相摸来摸去的闹剧。我告诉你们 看预告片就行了。会印月亮的不一定是八神庵,还有可能是包青天。其实又不是没看过游戏改编的烂片。恶心死人啦!!!这绝对绝对绝对不是拳皇。咳咳、我看这个看的都快哭了、。我女朋友说这部电影叫拳皇,当时我就抽了她一巴掌!。陈嘉上 你他吗的就是个煞笔 草。嘉上可杀矣。。。。。。评论King of Fighters。
字幕信息 | 语言 | 来源 |
拳皇 (繁英双语)The.King.Of.Fighters.2010.BluRa | 繁體中文字幕,English字幕,双语字幕 | SRT |
拳皇 (简英双语)The.King.Of.Fighters.2010.BluRa | 简体中文字幕,English字幕,双语字幕 | SRT |
拳皇 (繁体字幕)The.King.of.Fighters.2010.BluRa | 繁體中文字幕 | SRT |
拳皇 (简体字幕)The.King.of.Fighters.2010.BluRa | 简体中文字幕 | SRT |
拳皇 (繁英双语)The.King.Of.Fighters.2010.BluRa | 繁體中文字幕,English字幕,双语字幕 | SRT |
拳皇 (简英双语)The.King.Of.Fighters.2010.BluRa | 简体中文字幕,English字幕,双语字幕 | SRT |
拳皇 (繁体字幕)The.King.of.Fighters.2010.BluRa | 繁體中文字幕 | SRT |
拳皇 (简体字幕)The.King.of.Fighters.2010.BluRa | 简体中文字幕 | SRT |