斯诺登的大逃亡是一部纪录片片,该片披露了美国“棱镜”项目曝光者斯诺登从香港前往莫斯科的诸多细节,包括他在香港与卫报记者会面的过程。 纪录片导演介绍,该片披露了美国“棱镜”项目曝光者斯诺登从香港前往莫斯科的诸多细节,包括他在香港与卫报记者会面的过程。 当时,他们接头的暗号之一,是斯诺登手里的魔方。纪录片通过情景再现的方式向观众介绍了许多不为人知的细节,曾为斯诺登提供过帮助的关键人物首次详细披露整个过程。影片内的受访对象包括美国前国家安全局局长迈克尔海登,维基解密创始人朱利安·阿桑奇等,也包括斯诺登的父亲。
The movie briefly covers NSA analyst-turned whistleblower Edward Snowden and his escape from American authorities to Hong Kong and later to Russia, after leaking classified information about global surveillance programs used by the American government to spy on people around the world and other nations activities. The movie also presents the journalists who had an exclusive access to Snowden and also the members of WikiLeaks, who helped him in moments of his escape.
下载信息 | 大小 | 日期 |
Terminal F - Chasing Edward Snowden (2015) | 636.90 MB | 2019-05-11 |
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