残缺是一部剧情,动作,武侠,古装片,乡间恶霸杜天道(陈观泰)因其儿子杜常(鹿峰)被天南三虎斩去双臂性格变得更加暴戾,村民稍有令他不满的举动,就会立刻出手伤人。 陈顺(郭追)、胡阿贵(孙建)、韦打铁(罗莽)均因不足一提的小事无意间得罪杜天道,被其先后挖盲双目、斩断双腿、毒哑打聋。立志为他们出气的王翼(江生)被杜天道重创头脑成为疯癫失常之人。四个身体残缺的人潜入深山找到王翼师父求其传授了武功,一场发生在立志报仇的四人与两大狠毒高手之间的生死战展开。
A wealthy kung fu expert, who is turned bitter and evil by the slaying of his wife and the loss of his son's hands, bullies a town through terror and force. They find pleasure and satisfaction by crippling those who stumble in their way. Four of those who are crippled, a hawker who is blinded, a blacksmith made mute and deaf, a drifter who loses his legs, and a fighter who loses his sanity, band together to use their disabilities to the best of their advantage. The four are tested time and time again, and demonstrate their strengths and abilities.
一句话评论:《残缺》:残肢、姿态与间离效应。国产Cult经典。第四代越看越有爱。不一定要看功夫。残缺。从《五毒》与《残缺》看张彻表现的思想人生。石头观影记 | 《残缺》的一些bug、吐槽以及梦幻联动。结尾就粗糙了。心灵的残缺比身体的残缺更恐怖。三年将拜君赐——四代弟子的不朽之作。
字幕信息 | 语言 | 来源 |
【邵氏/武侠/动作】残缺[国语音轨].Crippled.Avengers.197 | 简体中文字幕,繁體中文字幕 | SRT |
残缺.1978.BDRip.AC3.HKFACT.chs&cht.rar | 简体中文字幕,繁體中文字幕 | SRT |
残缺.1978.SB.特效简体中文.ass | 简体中文字幕 | ASS/SSA |
残缺.1978.SB.特效简体中文.ass | 简体中文字幕 | ASS/SSA |
残缺 残缺 (1978) | 简体 | srt |