看管宝宝是一部喜剧,动画,短片,家庭片,在某个平凡的日子里,女主人有事需要外出,因此将尚在襁褓中的小宝宝托付给妙龄女孩珍妮看管。女孩对女主人的指示一律点头应允,毕恭毕敬。谁知主人刚刚离开,她便一头扎到沙发上煲起了电话粥,对小Baby完全不管不问。就在这时,汤姆和杰瑞这对冤家又展开了叮叮咣咣的追逐战,他们偶然经过婴儿车,结果遭到珍妮不问青红皂白的暴打。刚刚赶走猫和鼠,珍妮继续回到电话旁闲聊。而这时小宝宝已然爬出婴儿车,开始在家中各个危险的角落展开冒险。惊慌失措的汤姆与杰瑞暂时停止战争,想方设法帮助小宝宝躲避危险。 在珍妮完全依靠不上的危机时刻,猫和鼠组成了营救保护小宝宝的联盟……
The lady of the house has gone out for a few hours, leaving her baby in the care of a stereotypical 1950s teenager, who immediately begins calling her friends. Tom and Jerry must call a truce to their constant chases as the baby, unsupervised, continually gets loose. When the baby escapes out the front door, Tom and Jerry chase it to a construction site, where they frantically try to keep it from harm.
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