请问您今天要来点兔子吗?是一部喜剧,动画片,面对即将展开的崭新的高中生活,个性活泼开朗的元气少女保登心爱(佐仓绫音 配音)心中充满了憧憬与喜悦,新的城市,新的环境,会有怎样有趣的故事在这里发生呢? 一路寻找寄宿家庭的心爱不小心迷了路,误打误撞之中,她来到了一间名为“Rabbit House”的可爱咖啡馆之中,在这里,心爱结识了名叫香风智乃(水濑祈 配音)的神秘少女,这位面无表情态度相当冷淡的少女之后将成为心爱生命中十分重要的存在。原来,这间咖啡馆正是心爱正在寻找的寄宿地,在这里,她将以半工半读的形式度过她的高中三年,在此过程中,心爱渐渐发现了智乃不为人知的一面,亦开始了解这间咖啡屋的前世今生。
Cocoa Hoto is a positive and energetic girl who becomes friends with anyone in just three seconds. After moving in with the Kafuu family in order to attend high school away from home, she immediately befriends the shy and precocious granddaughter of Rabbit House cafe's founder, Chino Kafuu, who is often seen with the talking rabbit, Tippy, on her head. After beginning to work as a waitress in return for room and board, Kokoa also befriends another part-timer, Rize Tedeza, who has unusual behavior and significant physical capabilities due to her military upbringing; Chiya Ujimatsu, a waitress from a rival cafe who does everything at her own pace; and Sharo Kirima, another waitress at a different cafe who has the air of a noblewoman despite being impoverished.
一句话评论:关于废萌番。百合营业套路深,萌豚纷纷平流层——《请问您今天要来点兔子吗??》TeaParty 2016 repo。喜欢萌喜欢LOLI喜欢轻百合的最爱。新手入宅坑,简单最幸福。点兔点兔真萌真萌。
字幕信息 | 语言 | 来源 |
[白月字幕组&VCB-Studio] Gochuumon wa Usag | 简体中文字幕,繁體中文字幕 | ASS/SSA |
[澄空学园&华盟字幕社][请问您今天要来点兔子吗 第1-2季][简体外挂 | 简体中文字幕,双语字幕 | ASS/SSA |
[白月字幕组×VCB-Studio][请问您今天要来点兔子吗?][第1季][简繁 | 简体中文字幕,繁體中文字幕,双语字幕 | ASS/SSA |
请问您今天要来点兔子吗? (全12集字幕合集-繁体字幕)ご注文はうさぎですか? | 繁體中文字幕 | ASS |
[白月字幕组×VCB-Studio][请问您今天要来点兔子吗?][第1季][简繁 | 简体中文字幕,繁體中文字幕,双语字幕 | ASS/SSA |
[澄空学园&华盟字幕社][请问您今天要来点兔子吗 第1-2季][简体外挂 | 简体中文字幕,双语字幕 | ASS/SSA |
请问您今天要来点兔子吗? (全12集字幕合集-繁体字幕)ご注文はうさぎですか? | 繁體中文字幕 | ASS |
[Hakugetsu&VCB-Studio]Gochuumon wa U | 繁体 , 日本 | ass |
From KNA TV sub | 繁体 | ass |