全职猎人剧场版:最后的任务(2013) 劇場版 HUNTER×HUNTER The LAST MISSION/全职猎人剧场版:最终任务

更新:2021-04-07 03:04:28
年份: 2013  / 地区: 日本 
类型:动画  / 豆瓣:5.6分 / IMDB:7.1分
演员:潘惠美 伊濑茉莉也 藤原启治 泽城美雪 浪川大辅 横山智佐 关俊彦 寺崎裕香 富永美伊奈 植田佳奈 滨添伸也 二又一成 铃木琢磨 中村大树 齐藤贵美子 三石琴乃 松山鹰志 山本美月 大友龙三郎 永井一郎 中村狮童 
语言:日语  / 片长:97

全职猎人剧场版:最后的任务是一部动画片,所有武斗家最为关注的最高级别的格斗盛典“奥林匹亚武斗大会”将在天空竞技场拉开序幕,小杰(潘惠美 配音)和奇犽(伊濑茉莉也 配音)兴奋非常,坐在看台上准备为好友智喜加油鼓劲。谁知就在此时,一群神秘之人突然窜入会场,封闭大楼。炼狱(山本美月 配音)绑架了猎人协会的会长尼特罗(永井一郎 配音),饿鬼压倒性地击败智喜,修罗(天野博之 配音)则控制住天空竞技场的所有通讯设备。在他们身后,存在一个当年被猎人协会抹杀的强者——杰德(中村狮童 配音)。满怀怨念的杰德不惜将灵魂卖给恶魔,并带着遭受了同样命运的暗影部落幸村者向猎人协会展开复仇。   怨和慈悲的对抗,光明和黑暗的角力……

The strongest Hunters that once existed in the Hunter Association were split into "light" and "dark", and each walked down their respective paths. The "dark" side begins moving in order to massacre all Hunters! After a brutal attack from the "dark" side Hunters, Killua is injured and Kurapika is almost dead. What is the real goal behind the attack on all the Hunters? Now that the crimes of Netero & the Association are announced publicly. Will Gon take the dark side's path to find the necessary strength to save his friends? What actions will Gon take when the many crimes of Netero and the Hunter Association are unveiled...!?

一句话评论:于无声处听惊雷。我只是来看杰和奇犽这对官配的。大杂烩之hunter x hunter ——仲間のために生きる、仲間のために殺す。。《最后的任务》 2017.09.07。
