若世界属于我是一部喜剧,同性,歌舞,奇幻片,一个弥漫着梦幻氛围的校园同志故事――正在排演莎士比亚名著的同志少年提摩西(Tanner Cohen 饰),无意间得到了《仲夏夜之梦》里的魔花,竟然将同学都变成了同志,并且得到了学校橄榄球明星强纳森(Nathaniel David Becker 饰)的爱慕。然而这朵花也改变了许多现实情侣的命运,给提摩西的朋友和家人带来无尽的困扰。提摩西最终忍痛决定解开魔咒,却发现原来真爱从来不曾被蒙蔽眼睛...... 男男邪典版”歌舞青春“,不但有复古的舞台剧表演,还有摇滚乐和百老汇音乐剧等各种元素,画面如《红磨坊》般兼具童话色彩、舞台效果和MV风格。故事情节也不流于肤浅,而是像莎翁原著《仲夏夜之梦》所说的:爱情是占有,但也要尊重选择和差异。
If you had a love-potion, who would you make fall madly in love with you? Timothy, prone to escaping his dismal high school reality through dazzling musical daydreams, gets to answer that question in a very real way. After his eccentric teacher casts him as Puck in A Midsummer Night's Dream, he stumbles upon a recipe hidden within the script to create the play's magical, purple love-pansy. Armed with the pansy, Timothy's fading spirit soars as he puckishly imposes a new reality by turning much of his narrow-minded town gay, beginning with the rugby-jock of his dreams. Ensnaring family, friends and enemies in this chaos, Timothy forces them to walk a mile in his musical shoes. The course of true love never did run smooth; it's a bumpy ride.
一句话评论:同志生命的浪漫光影。Just a love dream。爱情从来就是一件百转千回的事情。。which world is normal。仲夏夜,种下你的梦。我知道我想起谁了。少有的同志歌舞剧。十六七岁的男孩们。仙旅。若世界属于我,很多人的梦想不是么。
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