怒火攻心2:高压电是一部动作,惊悚,犯罪片,从直升机上坠落的切弗(杰森•斯达森Jason Statham 饰)并没有死,当他醒来的时候,正躺在一家黑诊所,几个蹩脚的香港医生正在做心脏移植手术。期间,小混混强尼万不时在身边干扰。手术后的切弗拥有了一颗Avicor公司的人造心脏以和一块腰带电池。医生告诉切弗,为了保持心脏的活力,他必须不停给身体充电。切弗认定是强尼万偷了他的心脏,所以疯狂追击。在性爱社交俱乐部,他碰巧搭救了妓女瑞亚(白灵 饰),在夜总会,他又见到了跳钢管舞的女友伊芙(艾米•斯玛特Amy Smart 饰)。夜总会的枪战,引来了警察,但是电棍只会给切弗充电。追到跑马场的切弗,为了摩擦充电,在众目睽睽之下出尽洋相。直到香港三合会老大唐金出现,切弗才真正了解心脏被盗的真正原因……
Chev Chelios survives a fall from the sky, sort of. He's in an unknown location, sedated, while various Chinese are harvesting his organs. His heart is gone, in an ice chest; a temporary in its place. Chev escapes, knowing only the name of the guy with the ice chest. He calls Doc Miles, an unlicensed cardiologist, who tells him there's only an hour's life in the artificial heart: keep it charged. Chev needs to find his own heart and get to Doc for a transplant. He starts his time-limited pursuit of shadowy figures, the ice chest, and his heart aided by Eve, Rei, and Venus - a stripper, a prostitute, and a pal with Tourette's - constantly needing an electric charge to keep going.
一句话评论:人人都爱重口味。《怒火攻心2》居然是拿HDV拍摄的!OTZ!。不是每朵花儿都有人爱。羊大即为美,蛋大疋中天。即时cult经典。麻辣小龙虾。不是每朵花儿都有人爱。《玩儿到底》。爽。割奶头? 是的,他割了自己的奶头。
字幕信息 | 语言 | 来源 |
[怒火攻心2:高压电].Crank.2.High.Voltage.2009.ch | 双语字幕 | SRT |
[怒火攻心2:高压电].Crank.2.High.Voltage.2009.ch | 简体中文字幕 | SRT |
[怒火攻心2:高压电].Crank.2.High.Voltage.2009.ch | 繁體中文字幕 | SRT |
[怒火攻心2:高压电].Crank.2.High.Voltage.2009.en | English字幕 | SRT |
Crank.2.High.Voltage.2009.Bluray.1080p.D | 简体中文字幕,English字幕,双语字幕 | SRT |
[怒火攻心2:高压电].Crank.2.High.Voltage.2009.ch | 双语字幕 | SRT |
[怒火攻心2:高压电].Crank.2.High.Voltage.2009.ch | 简体中文字幕 | SRT |
[怒火攻心2:高压电].Crank.2.High.Voltage.2009.ch | 繁體中文字幕 | SRT |
[怒火攻心2:高压电].Crank.2.High.Voltage.2009.en | English字幕 | SRT |
Crank.2.High.Voltage.2009.Bluray.1080p.D | 简体中文字幕,English字幕,双语字幕 | SRT |