乡村照相馆是一部剧情片,为了实现摄影师的梦想,年轻的高桥孝(海东健 饰)从德岛县花谷村老家来到繁华的大都市东京,朝着目标一步步辛勤努力。某日,花谷村村政府的野原拜访了高桥,原来家乡准备修建水库,高桥的村落将被淹没水底。村里人希望高桥和他的父亲研一(藤龙也 饰)为每户人家拍摄全家福,出版一本《山村影集》作为最后的纪念。因当初和父亲的矛盾,高桥不愿回去,在女友(吴佩慈 饰)之下他在踏上返乡之路。 高桥每天和固执的父亲穿梭于山间小道,寻找每一户人家,父子俩从最初令人尴尬的沉默到相互理解,而阿孝也在摄影过程中对家乡产生别样的感情……
In the near future, the village of Hanatani will be flooded by a dam. Kenichi, the owner of an old photo studio has a son, Takashi, who works as an assistant photographer in Tokyo. One day, they are asked to make "The Village Album", a photograph collection of all the families in the village in order to leave a memory of the beautiful village forever. They started visiting each family in the village to take photos, although they don't get along with each other. While following him every day, Takashi's harsh feelings against his father begin to change.
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