我爱夏日长是一部剧情片,一次偶然中,志恒(黎耀祥 饰)结识了名叫雯雯(吴文忻 饰)的女子,一个玩笑般的诺言让他们踏上了前往泰国的旅途。心高气傲的雯雯刚到异国就给了志恒一个下马威,遭到愚弄又被诈去了大部分旅费的志恒决心报复,他假装追求雯雯,打算在得手之后将其抛弃,而雯雯则勇敢接受了他的挑战。 一场车祸让雯雯受了惊,志恒展现温柔一面,两人借着酒意发生了亲密关系,酒醒之后,又羞又恼的雯雯和志恒彻底反目。旅行结束之后,志恒发现自己竟然真的爱上了雯雯,之后,他又从雯雯的好友处得知雯雯换上了绝症,他决定再也不隐藏心中的感情,他找到了雯雯,但却遭到了拒绝。
When Man (Natalie Ng) accidentally asks Han to meet her in Thailand, after she mistakes him for another, the two begin to form an awkward romance. But Man's friend Yee may ruin everything when they return to Hong Kong and she tells Han that Man has cancer. Han begins a desperate search for Man, which brings him back to Thailand, where they first began their relationship.
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