钢琴恋曲(2002) /钢琴物语 / Piano: The Melody of a Young Girl's Heart

更新:2019-10-20 11:10:43
年份: 2002  / 地区: 日本 
类型:动画  / 豆瓣:6.8分 / IMDB:6.6分
导演:须藤典彦 志村宏明 冈崎幸男 木宫茂 江上洁 
演员:川澄绫子 川上伦子 福山润 宫本充 大塚明夫 根谷美智子 佐佐木优子 渡边美佐 小杉十郎太 浅野真澄 保志总一朗 私市淳 山口隆行 
语言:日语  / 片长:

钢琴恋曲是一部动画片,美雨(川澄绫子 配音)要去上音乐课,却发现自己忘记带乐谱了,她闷闷不乐的躲在音乐教室里,因为害怕遭到白川老师(宫本充 配音)的责骂而不敢去上课。美雨的好友优希(川上伦子 配音)找到了美雨,说服她翘课,向来都循规蹈矩的美雨同意了。   美雨和优希来到了CD店内,店里优美的背景音乐让美雨开始后悔逃了课,看出了美雨的心思,优希鼓励美雨,让美雨鼓起勇气去上课。当美雨到达教室时,已经迟到很久了,让美雨没有想到的是,白川老师非但没有责骂他,反而宽容的让她进行即兴表演。在美雨的演奏中,流露出了丝丝的忧郁,这些都被敏锐的白川察觉了。

Miu used to love the piano. As a little girl, the music made her heart soar, and she eagerly shared her songs with everyone around her. Now an introverted teenager, she's become too shy to express her feelings - even through her music. Her piano teacher, the moody Mr. Shirakawa, has become impatient with her inability to reach the next level. When Miu develops a crush on Takahashi, her teacher notices a sudden and remarkable change in her playing. Can he help her find the courage to share both her heart and her music once more?
