GS美神是一部剧情,喜剧,动画片,从事驱魔行业的人叫做驱魔清道夫,简称——GS。《GS美神极乐大作战》讲述驱魔公司老板美神令子的神奇故事。美神令子是一个凭着顶级功力纵横驱魔界并爱钱如命的女孩子。不管是谁,都无法阻碍她降妖除魔和狂赚金钱。她有两个助手,一个是心地善良的小娟和工资低的近乎业务劳动兼且愚蠢好色的烦恼少年横岛忠夫。(这人的好色程度简直无以伦比,拿着255日元的时薪梦想以后娶美神本息双收)。 美神虽然视钱如命,但仍然有许多极有个性的朋友,如过着清贫生活的师父唐神父和他的弟子英俊的吸血鬼皮杜。另外还有对皮杜情有独钟的咒术师小笠原爱美,能驱使魔神但又随时精神失控的六道冥子,可以使用魔装术的雪之丞,还有其他众多同行。 这么多的怪人聚在一起自然会出现许多常人难以想象的事情,爆笑场面不断,当然日本漫画中常有的爱情故事也不会少,真是让人欢喜让人忧。
Due to overpopulation in Japan, many ghosts has been forced to leave the places where they were hiding and went to the surface, angry for being disturbed. That's why a new profession is created: The Ghost Sweepers. They work under contract, usually for millions of yens, to send the evil spirits to rest. The best Ghost Sweeper is a young, beautiful, 20 year old woman named Reiko Mikami. She is extremely brave and efficient, being her worst defect her love for money. She has her own enterprise and works with Tadao Yokoshima, her 17 years old assistant and apprentice. Yokoshima is coward and a lustful fan of 'hentai'. He seems very useless, but he hides a strong Ghost Sweeper power inside. The third member of the company is a female ghost called Okinu, who hasn't been able to rest in peace for over 300 years. Mikami offers her a job, so Okinu would be able to, eventually, pay her for an exorcism an to be able to rest. Okinu agrees, though she is extremely under-payed, but she enjoy ...
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