湘西尸王是一部恐怖片,阿琴(乐韵 饰)孤身一人在日本深造,一天,她得到了父亲去世的噩耗,原来父亲是一个浑身上下都充满了正义感的男人,在和恶霸“尸王”(计春华 饰)的争斗之中不幸丧生。悲痛而又愤怒的阿琴和男友阿勇(潘汉光 饰)一起匆匆赶回国内,发誓要为父亲报仇。 阿琴发现父亲的遗体失踪了,追踪着遗体的下落,阿琴一行人返回了故乡,途中,阿琴与杀父仇人尸王相遇,尸王亦知道了阿琴的真实身份,决定先下手为强的尸王屡屡设计想要置阿琴于死地,但都被阿琴以智慧化解。之后,阿琴遇见了善良的苗族青年阿当,在阿当的帮助下,阿琴决定正面对抗尸王和他的爪牙。
Young women and her male companion, who both studied medicine in Japan, head to a secluded and mythical region of China to attend her fathers funeral. They realize that her father's body is in the possession of the evil Zombie King, a supernatural warlord who is embroiled in a deadly conflict involving the Chinese authorities and a nearby primitive clan.
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