相见好是一部喜剧,爱情片,一场意外让小樱(周慧敏 饰)和阿林(钟镇涛 饰)相识了,随着时间的推移,两颗心越靠越近,两人最终走到了一起。没过多久,他们就决定搬到同一屋檐下,开始了同居生活。可是,零距离的接触在令他们更加亲密的同时也带来了很多的隐患,小樱和阿林都感觉多,两人的个性并不是表面上看起来的那么合拍。久而久之,这段感情开始出现了裂痕。 阿林是一名操盘手,他的介入导致了他的一个朋友赔钱赔到倾家荡产,而这件事情也促成了他和小樱之间的决裂。和小樱分手后,阿林痛定思痛,内心充满了愧疚的他决定不惜丢掉工作也要揭露股市中的隐藏的阴谋。
Kenny Bee works for a large Hong Kong corporation who's business practice is not exactly honorable. But he is being promoted to upper management with all its perks. Cherie Chung is a woman reporter working for Hong Kong TV station who is trying to expose the corrupt practice of the company Kenny works at. By chance they get together by being shoved into the same taxi while they're totally drunk. They again meet while grocery shopping, but they get robbed and Kenny can't go back to his home without money for the ferry. This starts a relationship between them, and from conscience, Kenny decides to expose the corruption within his company. Vivian Chow plays a secondary role as semi love triangle between Cherie and Kenny.
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